Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Princess has arrived!

Well, we were going to induce on Feb1, but little miss Ava Rose decided to make other plans for us. I woke up early on Jan 30 with some mild contractions. By 4am I had to wake Brian and call the Dr. We arrived at the hospital at 5:30am, and Dr Etheridge broke my water around 9. Of all times Dr Gebhart was out of town; we joked with him the whole pregnancy about not going anywhere near her due date. Labor and Delivery was not at all what I had expected. Everyone talks about how horrible and painful it is, but for us it was a great fun experience. We were the only ones in delivery so we had the full attention of the staff, who were amazing! Brian picked with them the whole time! I'm not sure who laughed the most, us or the nurses!

At 5:03PM our little princess was born, weighing 8lbs3oz, 19 1/2inches long! Just like we expected she was perfect in everyway!

Ava Rose did have to go straight to the NICU. She has a small respritory problem. Once in NICU, they found a possible infection in her blood(turns out it was a false alarm thank goodness), and then she got joundice. I was released on Monday and she was released on Wed 2-3-10 which was her actual due date. Luckily for us, the NICU has a Rooming in Room so we did get to stay with her until she got out.

Now the new fun begins. Lots of firsts on the way, and many new adventures with our little Princess!